How to Identify an Electronic Component

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Author : icshopelec
Update time : 2022-05-06 13:45:15

An electronic component can be either an active or a passive one. In this article, we'll go over the main types of electronic components, semiconductors, and passive and active components. We'll also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each type of component. The following information will provide a basic understanding of the three most common types of electronic components. If you don't know how to identify a component, read on to learn more.


Semiconductors are materials that change their electrical conductivity and allow external influences to pass through them. These materials have four electrons in their valence orbits, and when external influences are removed, they revert to their insulating state. Silicon and germanium are the most common types of semiconductors used in electronic components. Other semiconductors are made of various compounds that are not used in electronics, such as gallium.

Because of their high mobility and comparatively low cost, semiconductors are used in a variety of applications. They are used as optical sensors, power devices, light emitters, and solid-state lasers. Their wide current handling and voltage rating also make them suitable for use in a range of electronic systems. In the future, semiconductors are predicted to form the foundation for the majority of electronic systems. But there are a variety of disadvantages to semiconductors.

Semiconductors are materials with a conductivity in between a conductor and a nonconductor. At absolute zero degrees, these materials are insulators, but when their temperatures reach room temperature, they become conductors. Some of the most common types of semiconductors used in electronic components are silicon, carbon, and germanium. In terms of their properties, there are two types of semiconductors: good and bad conductors.

passive components

Passive electronic components play an important role in electronic circuits. These components typically provide capacitance, resistance, inductance, and circuit protection. Their importance is increasing dramatically because of the growing popularity of smart 'Internet of Things' devices. An average smartphone uses more than a thousand capacitors, and electric cars use about 22,000 MLCCs. Increasingly, these components are being used in high-reliability, mission-critical electronic devices.

The difference between an active and a passive component can be seen in the way that passive components and active components are used in electronic circuits. Passive components cannot perform switching, but they can store and dissipate energy. Transistors and capacitors are examples of active components, while passive components can store electrical energy. Below are examples of the various types of passive components used in electronic circuits. You can also find them in public transport systems.

Quartz is a passive electronic component that is both synthesized and naturally occurring. Quartz is a silicon-based material, and it possesses a piezoelectric effect that helps generate AC voltage. Quartz is available in many different shapes and sizes, and is often used in crystal oscillators. It can be found as square, rectangular, or hexagonal slabs. Cutting quartz crystals is done using two different techniques. The material is sandwiched between two plates.

active components

If you're working with an electronic design, you've likely come across the terms "Active Component" and "Passive" component. These terms refer to electronic components that require an external power source to perform their functions. Passive components, on the other hand, only transmit electrical current. The key to understanding what an active component is, and what makes it important, lies in the details. Understanding the difference between active and passive components is essential for the design process.

One of the most common types of active component is a voltage source. A voltage source provides energy to the circuit every time a current leaves the positive terminal. The ideal current source is independent of the voltage in the circuit and controls the flow of charge within the circuit. However, there are some components that only receive energy and dissipate it. These components include resistors, capacitors, and inductors. They are used in many electronic systems, including phones, computers, and cars.

Another difference between an active component and a passive component is how they operate. Passive components don't require an external source to function, while active components do. Active components generate power and can amplify it, while passive components are used to store energy. Passive components are simply storage devices for electrical signals. Passive components can only store energy and not increase it, but active components can both amplify and control current.